
Monday, 18 May 2020

Prime Minister [Questions]

Prime Minister - Questions

Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1) What is a Prime Minister?
 A prime minister is a head of a goverment

2) Who is the Prime Minister of New Zealand:
a) Jasinda Ahdern b) Jacinda Ahdern
c) Jasinda Ardern d) Jacinda Ardern

3) How do you say Prime Minister of New Zealand in Te Reo?

4) Which Political party is the current New Zealand Prime Minister the leader of?
a) National b) Labour
c) NZ First d) Pt England School

5) What date did Jacinda take office?
March 2017

6) The New Zealand prime minister considered the: 
 a) Head of State b) Head of Government

7) In New Zealand, the Queen of England is considered the:
 a) Head of State b) Head of Government

8) Would you want to be prime minister?
 a) Yes b) No


 Because I don’t want to run labour parties or something like that

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