
Monday, 29 May 2017

My Weekend


On the weekend I went to a place called Sky City. It was a very relaxing and quiet place it was very exciting to.
First my family went to get some yummy delicious fresh curry and fresh delicious dessert. After a while all of us
went back home.I felt very happy because I had lots of fun.

My wonderful weekend


Thursday, 18 May 2017

Use repeated addition to solve x problems


Magical Matariki

What is Matariki?

Matariki is about the Maori new year and the seven Maori stars. The stars disappear in late April and come back in June in the ice cold winter. That means it’s the beginning of the Maori new year. The stars have other names. The stars are called the seven sisters. The eldest sister has a name, its name is Matariki. She guides her younger sisters beautifully and safely. When it is warm the crops will grow tall and then we will gather lots of seafood. We celebrate Matariki in lots of different ways. We tell stories and we grow winter crops to get of food. We fly kites and we forgive people who have made us sad.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


We have been learning to make, name, and recognise wholes, halves, third parts, fourth parts and fifth parts using play dough.

Friday, 5 May 2017

My Holiday Highlight

The Highlight of my holiday was going for a walk at Panmure Basin on Monday morning at 8 o’clock.I went with my mum and my two sisters.First I got out of my mums van we saw the sea high up at the path were we walk.Next I saw a waterfull
at a old rusty bridge.then we walked throw the park and the ponty bush finely we
made it to the car and we went home.