
Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Making Butter

We need: cream, A jar [glass jar]

We have: pikelets, whipped cream, jam

  1. Put cream into the jar 
2. Shake the jar until the cream turns
clumpy and yellowish white

3. Butter our pikelets and put the jam or
cream both on to the pikelet

As I tasted my two pikelets I kinda
liked it but kinda off at the same time.
When I was making my pikelets it was
too hard to put the butter on and my
hardest to make was by putting the jam on because
I actually put too much because
I really wanted it to be perfect.
Then miss Tumahai gently sprayed
the whipped cream on. Lastly I was forced to eat so I ate it.
After that I enjoyed my meal. 

Monday, 25 November 2019

Instructions To Make A Wrap.

These are your ingredients for your wrap

You will need some cooked sausages.

A container of butter.

Some freshly grown tomatoes or ordinary ones.

A nice avocado make it a little more healthy.

A spinach wrap for the casing.

Now The last ingredient fresh Rocket.

Get a butter knife to spread the butter around the wrap.
Get the rocket and gently sprinkle it all of the wrap.
After that cut the cooked sausages two then lay it down on the
rocket and take the fresh tomato and cut it into four parts.
Quickly grab the avocado and the butter knife and cut the
avocado into
two pieces and spread on the wrap.
Lastly fold your wrap into a great looking burrito
and enjoy your meal. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

PENN News Term 4

This is our last PENN movie for Room 11 2019. I really enjoyed dressing up and putting on a play. I liked learning about how to keep ourselves safe in and around water at Glen Innes Aquatics. Making Fruit kababs was awesome. Playing Chubby Bunny for our our writing experience. Our treasure box has been full of fun and treats and slime. Reading about pizza and then we made pizza. We went to the beach to explore the rock pools, that was lot of fun. We have had so much fun learning together in Room 11.